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  2. 米国直接出願SHIP
  3. SHIPメンバー紹介
  4. Kazuyuki YAMASAKI
Former US patent agent


Patent Department

Dr. Yamasaki received undergraduate/graduate degrees in petroleum chemistry from Kyoto University, and his Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) in 1978. After having spent two years in chemical research (Harvard University and UCLA), he was recruited by a US-based multinational pharmaceutical company to be stationed in Tokyo as a licensing/patent activity liaison.
He left the Company and later joined the law firm of Spensley, Horn, Jubas & Lubitz in its branch office, San Diego, California, where he filed and prosecuted patent applications for a number of clients, including some state universities and non-profit research organizations, local start-up companies, and Japanese pharmaceutical and perfume companies. He was admitted to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as a patent agent in 1991: he is no longer registered due to loss of residency status in the United States.
After returning to Japan, he worked for two patent firms over a total of fifteen years.
Dr. Yamasaki joined SOEI Patent & Law Firm in 1999, and after some years of absence, rejoined SOEI in 2018 in the capacity of an adviser.
Since then, he has been actively involved in the SHIPWAY practice, and collaborates with and assists the firm’s attorneys and other members, with particular emphasis on the filing and prosecution of chemical applications through the SHIPWAY channel.